We have encountered many customers of high temperature plant installed a large number of axial fan. But the workshop is still so hot, or so much dust and odor. What is the reason? If you stand next to the axis of the axial fan, you simply do not feel the air, although there is a great wind on the axis. His airflow is linear. For the surrounding air can rarely drive. Like a high-pressure faucet spray, standing on the side of the water, you will not wet the same. The negative pressure fan like spray it on the reverse, the absorption of air is in a horn shape, and not only drives the air fan axis, but by the fan in the outward horn shaped scroll air, we stand beside the fan axis will feel a strong airflow. Its characteristic determines its exhaust thoroughly and high efficiency. Another very important point, the installation of negative pressure fan, fan side wall must do sealing treatment. In particular, there is no gap around the fan. We often see a lot of customers to install a lot of negative pressure fan, but the workshop is still very boring, they concluded that the negative pressure fan did not effect. I have seen a lot of the scene, often is a big window, install a fan, fan beside the open window. Imagine, a lot of air just around the fan cycle, of course, can not absorb the distant air in the workshop. Installation of negative pressure fan is the ideal method, the fan wall and near the windows and doors are closed, the fan wall opposite the doors and windows to open, to ensure that the flow of gas in a straight line flow. If the fan side wall windows to open, then the farther away from the fan the better, the purpose is to fully ensure that the airflow from the fan opposite to enter. Is the natural physical process of "water evaporation absorption heat". The fan installed on one side in a closed workshop, the other side of the wet curtain fan installation, high temperature air inside the plant away, make whole space form negative pressure, so, through the wet curtain cooling after filtering the indoor circulation effect to form bionic, keep indoor air fresh and cool. |
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